Every journey has to start somewhere, so this is my stepping-off point. While I have been on a journey to improve my chess for the last two years, this is the first time I will try to document it. My goal is to post at least once a week, possibly more if there is something notable. If nothing else, I will post games along with my analysis. I’m planning on doing book/course reviews and general thoughts on training strategies as well. Either way, for now, I’m just trying to publish something.

So, why am I bothering to do this? Do I think people actually care what I’m doing? Well, no I don’t think people really care. This is ultimately an accountability strategy for myself. I believe analyzing your games is a critical step in any chess improvement plan. It’s also challenging to be disciplined enough to actually sit down to write an analysis without some accountability mechanism, at least for me anyway. I’ve also been evaluating and modifying my training strategy over the last couple of years, and I think I may have good lessons learned to pass along to others.

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